Here is an updated picture of the aloe vera bloom! Amazing, isn't it?! Who would know that this houseplant blooms?!

In this photo you can see how long the stem is... You can also see Puffy, my sweet furry boy!
Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to share a photo of a key ring that I bought for myself! It's just lovely! It is made by the father of a friend of mine, Rose!
It's a bit hard to see, but the key ring is fashioned from a fork! It is so cool! You can clip it to your purse and know where your keys are! Mine were always lost in "the abyss"! If you look, you will see it clipped on the left and another picture of it (super-imposed) on the right! The dear little lady is Mrs. T. Bagg. A wonderful creation by my dear friend Rose! She sells both on Etsy. Check out her blog where you can seem them better and learn all about them! Rose's blog is a real treat and either the key ring or Mrs. T. Bagg would be a *wonderful* gift for someone you love!
Thanks for visiting me today Terrielee! These photos are just lovely!